test video 26.05.2023

There are 2 things I found, which I am not sure if those are really issues, maybe only a hint, which needs to be given to editors:
  1. There is one special thing now with the AJAX: Let’s say you have one Recording 1 with two languages Floor and English and you have initially Floor selected. When you change the offset for the Floor, sync the chapter timestamps, then change the language to English without saving the offset changes for Floor, then change back to Floor, the offset changes for Floor get lost cause reloaded, but you have the updated chapter timestamps. With the old solution both changes offset and chapter timestamps would have been lost cause.
  2. There is also one edge case I found, but I am not quite sure if this is a realistic one at all: If you have for example a Recording 1 with Languages Floor, English, Spanish and Recording 2 with Languages Floor, English and you have selected Recording 1 with Language Spanish and after that klick on Recording 2 the Spanish language remains as URL argument and since we have no Spanish stream for Recording 2 it jumps into the error handling with the “Unable to load a stream with the given params.” message. @Kay Werner is this even a realistic scenario? Normally we would have the same language set for all recordings, right?